Quite boring these few days lor... Other than the oh-so-draggy band pracs... I wonder why do they always have to last so long...(not critisizin or anytin)
Soli to make ur eyes hurt horx~ [stop actin cute lah u!!! =.=||| pukes] WEI WATCH UR MOUTH LAH!!!
Haiz bored lor... I wonder how come ppl who blog got so many tings to say~~~ [CUZ THEY ARE NOT AS BLOCK-HEADED AS U!] ok ur gettin on my nerves.
Quite boring these few days lor... Other than the oh-so-draggy band pracs... I wonder why do they always have to last so long...(not critisizin or anytin)
Soli to make ur eyes hurt horx~ [stop actin cute lah u!!! =.=||| pukes] WEI WATCH UR MOUTH LAH!!!
Haiz bored lor... I wonder how come ppl who blog got so many tings to say~~~ [CUZ THEY ARE NOT AS BLOCK-HEADED AS U!] ok ur gettin on my nerves.